COP 26: Government leaders must commit to boosting cycling levels to reduce carbon emissions and reach global climate goals quickly and effectively

Update: this global campaign helped achieve a last-minute inclusion of active travel in the official COP26 Transport Declaration
Letter to governments at COP26:
World leaders must commit to boosting cycling levels to reduce carbon emissions and reach global climate goals quickly and effectively
The world needs much more cycling if we are to combat climate change. Without quicker and more determined action by governments worldwide to cut transport carbon emissions, we will be dooming present and future generations to a world that is more hostile and much less inhabitable. This is why we, the undersigned 350 organisations, strongly appeal to all governments and leaders attending the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow to commit to significantly increasing the number of people who cycle in their countries. Governments can do this by building more high-quality cycling infrastructure, integrating cycling with public transport, improving road safety and implementing policies that encourage people and businesses to replace automobile trips with bicycle trips and other modes like walking and public transport. Promoting and enabling active mobility must be a cornerstone of global, national and local strategies to meet net-zero carbon targets. Worldwide, transportation is responsible for 24% of direct CO₂ emissions from fuel combustion. Road vehicles account for nearly three quarters of transport CO₂ emissions, and these numbers are not decreasing. Aside from the unsustainable levels of CO₂ emissions that are ruining Earth’s climate, road vehicles are polluting our air at unprecedented levels, killing an estimated seven million people worldwide every year. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Global Warming of 1.5 °C” special report has identified cycling as a pathway to ensuring a safe and sustainable world for everyone, both now and in the future. Bicycle use produces zero emissions and cycling delivers far-reaching positive socioeconomic impacts in addition to reduced pollution. Cycling represents one of humanity’s greatest hopes for a shift towards a zero-carbon future. New research shows that life-cycle CO₂ emissions drop by 14% per additional cycling trip and by 62% for each avoided car trip. Switching from a car to a bicycle saves 150g of CO₂ per kilometre. E-cargo bikes cut carbon emissions by 90% compared with diesel vans. Swapping the car in cities for walking and cycling even just one day a week can reduce your carbon footprint by about half a tonne of CO₂ over a year. Building synergies with other travel modes such as public transport can critically enhance this potential. Our world is on fire. We must urgently leverage the solutions that cycling offers by radically scaling up its use. What we need now is for governments to politically and financially commit to more, safer and integrated cycling that is equitable for everyone living in our countries, cities and regions. We urge all governments and leaders at COP26 to:
Declare commitments to significantly boost cycling levels at home. This can be done by:
Promoting cycling in all its forms, including cycling tourism, sports cycling, bike sharing, riding to work or school and for exercising
Recognising cycling as a climate solution, establishing a clear link between how an increase in bicycle trips and a decrease in private car trips reduce CO₂ emissions
Creating and financing national cycling strategies and collecting data on cycling to know where improvements in infrastructure and usage can be made
Focusing investments on building safe and high-quality cycling infrastructure and in incentives for communities historically marginalised from cycling
Providing direct incentives for people and businesses to switch from automobiles to bicycles for more of their daily trips
Building synergies with public transport and foster combined mobility solutions for a multimodal ecosystem capable of covering all user needs without relying on a private car
Collectively commit to achieving a global target of higher cycling levels. More cycling in a handful of countries will not be enough to reduce global CO₂ emissions. All countries must contribute, and these efforts must be tracked at the UN level.
There is no conceivable way for governments to reduce CO₂ emissions quickly enough to avoid the worst of the climate crisis without significantly more cycling. Cycling is one of the best solutions we already have to ensure our planet is habitable for all generations to come.
The above joint letter is signed by the following 350 organisations:
European Cyclists' Federation (ECF)
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)
International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
World Cycling Alliance (WCA)
30 Días en Bici AC
40 BIKE – asociación y comunidad de ciclistas
8 80 Cities
A Contramano - Asamblea Ciclista de Sevilla
ABAE – Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa
ABİT (Adana Bisiklet Topluluğu Spor Kulübü)
Ankara Bisiklet Ve Doğa Sporları Derneği ABİDOSD
Active San Gabriel Valley
Adevaratii VeloPrieteni Romania
Associação Blumenauense pró-Ciclovias Blumenau
Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Duas Rodas, Ferragens, Mobiliário e Afins (ABIMOTA)
Associação dos Ciclistas de Petrópolis (Acipe)
Asociación de Ciclistas del Perú
actif-trafiC – umverkehR
Active Towns
Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad- Club (ADFC)
AF3V – Association française pour le développement des Véloroutes et Voies Vertes
Agartala Cycloholics Foundation
Alanya Outdoor Sports Club
Aliança Bike – Brazilian National Bicycle Industry Association
Asociación de Marcas y Bicicletas de España (AMBE)
Associação Metropolitana de Ciclistas do Recife (Ameciclo)
Amobici – Associação Mobilidade por Bicicleta e Modos Sustentáveis
Associação Natureza Portugal em parceria com a WWF
Argentina En Bici
Aromeiazero Institute
Asociación Ciclistas Urbanos
Asociación Civil Sustentar
AsPIC Romania
Australian Walking and Cycling Conference
Bartin Pedaldaslar Cycling Club
Bate Saua Sa Priceapa Iapa
Cycling community #ZaVelo Vyazma
Bicycling Empowerment Network Namibia
Better Ealing Streets
Better Streets for Havering
BiciBus: Al Trabajo en Bici
BicikLO – Planinsko Biciklističko Društvo
Biciñan Colectivo de Movilidad Sostenible y Urbanismo
BiciVerde AC
Bicycle Association of Great Britain
Bicycle Network Australia
Bicycle Nova Scotia
BikeTour Research Group, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Bike Action
Bike Adelaide
Bike Is Best
Bike Ottawa
Bicycle South Australia
Bike to Work Indonesia
Bike Walk Alameda
Asociatia Bike Works
Bisikletli Yaşam Platformu (BYP)
Bisikletli Ulaşım Derneği – BİSUDER
Boroondara Bicycle Users Group
Bicycle Queensland
Braga Ciclável
Bricycles – Brighton & Hove Cycling Campaign
Bridgwater Cycling Campaign
Bridgwater Cycling Charter
Bristol Cycling Campaign
BUGEP – Bisikletli Ulaşımı Geliştirme Platformu
BYCS India Foundation
Camcycle, the Cambridge Cycling Campaign
CAMINA – Centro de Estudios de Movilidad Peatonal
Campaign for Grasmere to Ambleside Cycleway
Campo Aberto – associação de defesa do ambiente
CAN – Cycling Action Network (New Zealand)
Zambia Road Safety Trust
Cargo Bike Movement
Compagnia dei MeglioInsieme ApS - Torino Italy
Center for Environment (Centar za životnu sredinu)
Centro Para la Sostenibilidad Urbana
Czech Cyclists' Federation
Council for Active Mobility
changing cities
Chesterfield Cycle Campaign
Association Choisir Le Vélo
Ciclaramanga, la bicicleta también nos mueve
Ciclaveiro – Associação pela Mobilidade Urbana em Bicicleta
Ciclistas Membros do Ciclo Comitê Paulista
Ciclocidade – São Paulo Urban Cyclists Association
CICLODA – Associação Oficina da Ciclomobilidade
Cities for Cycling – Network for Cycling in Greek Cities
City and Mobilities Institute
Ciudad Activa
Clean Cities Campaign
Climate Action Santa Monica
Clubul Sportiv Tibiscus – Tibiscus Sporting Club
Cluster Mobilité Active & Durable
Colegio de Arquitectos del Perú
Coletivo ParáCiclo
ConBici - Coordinadora en defensa de la bici
Confederation of the European (CONEBI) Bicycle Industry
Stichting Cycling out of Poverty
Cycling out of Poverty Belgium
Cycling out of Poverty Kenya
Cycling out of Poverty Uganda
Copenhagen Bike Community
Critical Mass Kampala
Cycle Competence Austria
Cycle Kingston Inc.
Cycle Lewes
Cycle North Cheshire
Cycle Stars
Cycle Wellington
Cycling Embassy Botswana
Cycling Embassy of Denmark
Cycling Embassy of Japan
Cycling Escape of Pieria
Cycling Family Partnership community/Дугуйтай гэр бүл ББН
Cycling For Health
Cycling Industries Europe
Cycling Instructors Branch IWGB
Cycling Scotland
Cycling UK
Cycling Without Age
Cyclists of Tirana
Cykelcentrum – Swedish Cycling Research Center
Cyklistforbundet – Danish Cyclists’ Federation
Danish Cycling Tourism
Day One
Biedrība «Drošās ielas» – Safe Streets
Dundee Cycling Forum
Dutch Cycling Embassy
VšĮ Dviračių Kultūra – Bicycle Culture
Edubici Perú
Estonian Urban Cyclists Union
Ekopolis Foundation
Ely Cycling Campaign
Energy Efficiency and Environment Protection Association (ENVERÇEVKO)
Environmental Transport Association (ETA)
European Cycle Logistics Federation (ECLF)
Evoluir Oeiras
Exeter Cycling Campaign
Fare City
Portuguese Cycling Federation
Federação Portuguesa de Cicloturismo e Utilizadores de Bicicleta
Romanian Cyclists' Federation
Fédération Française de Cyclisme
Royal Moroccan Cycling Federation
Federació d'Entitats per la Mobilitat amb Bicicleta de Catalunya (FEM BICI)
Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta (FIAB)
Fietsersbond Belgium
Fietsersbond Netherlands
Fietsersbond Tienen
Finnish Cyclists' Federation
Formosa Lohas Cycling Association
Forth Environment Link (FEL)
Lastenradl München e.V.
Fédération Française des Usagers de la Bicyclette (FUB)
Fundación Educación Vial
Fundación Metro y Medio
Galway Cycling Campaign
Greater Eugene Area Riders
Glasgow Eco Trust
GRACQ – Les Cyclistes Quotidiens
Grampian Cycle Partnership
Greasy Chain Charitable Trust
Great African Cycling Safari
Gualeguaychú en Bici
Green Revolution Asociatia
Guwahati Active Mobility Forum
Happy Hyderabad
Hatay Cycling Sports Club Association (HABİD)
GO4FUN Romania
GoBike – Strathclyde Cycle Campaign
Havering Cyclists
Hellenic Urban Cycling Federation
Hong Kong Cycling Alliance
Hungarian Cyclists' Club
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
International Cargo Bike Festival
TJ Ioan 1209
ISGlobal, Barcelona – Barcelona Institute for Global Health
International Mountain Bicycling Association Europe (IMBA Europe)
International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA Italia)
Integrados LA
Italian Climate Network
Kalapie, Hiriko Txirrindularien Elkartea
Kingston Area Pedestrian and Cycle Campaign
Kidical Mass Bath
Kolem na kole
La Maison du Vélo Lyon
La Velostazione Venezia
Laboratorio de Cambio Social, Chile
LACBC – Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
Latvian Cyclists Union
League of American Bicyclists
Circolo Legambiente “Il Cigno” di Frosinone APS
Les Boîtes à Vélo – France
Russian cycling advocacy project Let's bike it!
Clean Air Action Group (Hungary)
Lithuanian Cyclists' Community
Landssamtök hjólreiðamanna – Icelandic Cyclists Federation
Birmingham Living Streets Group
Ljubljanska kolesarska mreža – Ljubljana Cyclists' Network
Rowerowa Łódź
London Cycling Campaign
Mobiel 21
Maidstone Cycle Campaign Forum
Mám rád cyklistiku
Masa Crítica Kanata
Merseyside Cycling Campaign
Mersin Biking Traveler's Association
Metz à Vélo
Milton Cycling Campaign
Minsk Cycling Community
Mobilitatis Omni, Institute for sustainable infrastructure development and mobility of all
Mobilize Brasil
Moreland BUG (Bicycle User Group)
MOVE Malta
Movilidad Sustentable La Pampa
Associação pela Mobilidade Urbana em Bicicleta (MUBi)
Mums for Lungs
Napa County Bicycle Coalition
Newcastle Cycling Campaign
NUMO – New Urban Mobility Alliance
Club Escuela de Ciclismo Orgullo Paisa
Osez le Vélo
Parkways for People
Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition
Physical Activity Through Sustainable Transport Approaches (PASTA) Antwerpen
Pedal for a Change
Pedal on Parliament
Pedalling For A Bright Future
Place au Vélo – Laval
PlanèteVtt Angers
Plymouth Cycling Campaign
Polish Association of Cycling Instructors
Pro Velo (Belgium)
Pro Velo Switzerland
Public Transport Users Association (PTUA)
Pueblo Bicicletero Movilidad y Sostenibilidad, A. C.
udruženje "Putevi Sokola" – association "Falcon Roads"
Radlobby Österreich
Radlogistik Verband Deutschland e.V.
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Black Ravens Lisbon Cycling Club
Riders’ Rights
Menton & Riviera Autrement
Road Danger Reduction Forum (UK)
Royal Spanish Cycling Federation
Rue de l’Avenir
Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates
Salvaiciclisti Roma
Santa Fe En Bici
Santa Monica Safe Streets Alliance
Santa Monica Spoke
Shropshire Cycle Hub
Siam Cycling Campaign
Colectivo SiCLas
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
Sindikat Biciklista – Croatian Cyclists Union
Slovenian Cyclists' Network
Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition
Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign
Spokes Canterbury
Srce Velebita – Heart of Velebit
Stonnington Bicycle User Group
Streets Alive Yarra
Streets For All
Sustainable Claremont
Sustainable Mobility Unit (National Technical University of Athens)
Sustainable Works
Syklistforeningen – Norwegian Cyclists’ Association
Svensk Cykling – Swedish Cycling
Svenska Cykelstäder – Swedish Cycling Cities
Taiwan Urban Bicycle Alliance
Transport Action Network
Taunton Area Cycling Campaign
The Bike Station
The Bikeability Trust
The Chain Effect
The Racing Collective
Cork Transport and Mobility Forum
Transporte Ativo (TA)
Trinity College Dublin
Tüm Bisiklet Dernekleri Federasyonu (TUBIDEF) – The Federation of all Cycling Associations
Tunbridge Wells Bicycle Users’ Group (TWBug)
Urban Bike Revolution
UCB – Brazilian Cyclists' Union
Ulice za bicikliste (UZB) – Streets for bicyclists
Union Européenne de Cyclisme
Unley Bicycle User Group
Urban Environmentalists
Vá de Bike
Eskişehir Bisiklet Derneği (Vel ESBİD)
Vélo & Territoires
Vélo Canada Bikes
Velo Cruces
Vélo Mondial
Vélo Québec
VéloCITÉ pays de Montbéliard
Vem de Bike
Verbund Service und Fahrrad e.V.
Versta cycling club
Fundación Visión Cero
VOY EN BICI & Banco Mundial de Bicicletas
VUS Vélo Urbain Sherbrooke
Walk Ride Bath
We Ride Australia
World Bicycle Relief
Fahrrad.Selbsthilfe.Werkstatt im WUK
Yarra Bicycle Users Group
York Cycle Campaign
ZERO – Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável
Bundesverband Zukunft Fahrrad
The COP26 cycling letter is closed for signatures
Thank you for your support in this hugely successful campaign, which saw 350 civil society organisations from all over the world sign the letter to governments at COP26. This global campaign helped achieve a last-minute inclusion of active travel in the official COP26 Transport Declaration on 10 November. The letter is closed for signatures.
Want to advocate for more cycling? We have prepared a free toolkit which includes ready-to-use graphics featuring the key messages from our letter adressed to governments and leaders attending COP26.

Thank you
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© European Cyclists' Federation. All rights reserved.
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